Rockin' 66 Express
407 Airport Road
Bus Hours: 7:30am - 5:30pm M - F (Closed Holidays)
Transit Manager: Melissa Chavez
Effective immediately the Rockin' 66 Express will be able to offer rides to the following areas for an extended price:
Bluewater Village- $2.00 round-trip
Mt. Taylor Addition - $.75 each way
San Rafael - $.75 each way
Please note that a 24-hour advance notice is needed for service to these areas and is subject to availability.
Bus Stop Schedule
Milan Village Hall - 9:15am & 1:45pm
Wal-Mart - 10:45am & 4:15pm
Smiths - 10:15am & 2:00pm
Our program's professionally qualified staff will meet the needs of our passengers by providing timely, affordable, responsible, and safe services. We will provide professional, and competent management to assure that services are both efficient and cost effective. Our first and foremost consideration is the safety of our passengers, employees, and communities that we serve.
The Rockin' 66 Express is public transportation that offers demand response (scheduled) rides to anyone in Cibola County. ADA compliant busses are available at your request. In addition to calling in to schedule a ride we are now offering Text-2-Ride as well! Scheduling a ride is easy! Simply call or text us with your destination information and preferred pickup time(s) and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. Schedules are done on a first-come, first-serve basis. Call weekdays between the hours of 8:00 am and 3:00 pm to schedule a ride. Reservations are accepted the day before the trip up to a week in advance. Reservations for trips on Mondays must be made by 3:00 pm on Fridays. Call any time to cancel. If the dispatcher is not on duty, please leave a message. Call at least two hours before the scheduled pickup to cancel. Call or text for your ride today at 505-290-2469.
$0.30 per student per trip (one-way) ages 10-17. Students must have a parent waiver signed, NO EXCEPTIONS.
Veterans ride free (with proof of Veterans ID or DD214)
Bus Passes are also available at the Rockin' 66 Express office located at 407 Airport Rd., Milan, NM 87021. Please note that the drivers do not carry the passes with them so you will have to purchase them from the dispatcher at the office. The bus pass rates are as follows:
$30.00 pass for 60 rides (20 free rides) - No expiration
$2.00 Adult All-Day pass (subject to time slot availability)
$1.00 Child All-Day pass (subject to time slot availability)
All bus pass sales are final.
Rockin' 66 Express service is accessible to persons with disabilities. Buses and vans are equipped with wheelchair lifts or ramps that enable persons in wheelchairs or persons who cannot navigate steps to ride the bus. Buses have priority seating for persons with disabilities. Operators are trained to assist riders use lifts and ramps, and secure wheelchairs. You may travel with your respirator, concentrator, and portable oxygen. Service animals are welcome on board buses and vans and in our facilities. (They must be kept under the control of the passenger at all times.) Public information is available in alternative formats upon request.
Reasonable Modification Policy
Passengers with disabilities may request modifications to current service procedures to access the service. To make a request, please call us at 505-290-2469 or email us at Please submit requests at least the day before the trip. Rockin' 66 Express will not charge additional fees for passengers requiring reasonable modifications.
ADA Complaints
If you have a complaint about the accessibility of our transit system or service, or believe you have been discriminated against because of your disability, you can file a complaint. Click here for the complaints procedures and form. Please provide all facts and circumstances surrounding your issue or complaint so we can fully investigate the incident. If you are unable to complete a written complaint due to a disability or if information is needed in another language we can assist you. Please call us at 505-290-2469 or email us at
Non-Discrimination Policy
Rockin' 66 Express operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, national origin, and disability in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. To file a complaint, click here for the procedures and form.
For more information on Rockin' 66 Express’ nondiscrimination obligations or if information is needed in another language, please contact us at 505-290-2469 or